Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Cyclical Nature of our World

     In 100 Years of Solitude by Marquez the town of Macondo goes through cycles the entire novel. The recurrence of similar names, gypsies and railroads, and incest are all examples of the book and the city repeating himself. While reading this novel these recurring motifs made me think of the cyclical nature of our own world. We constantly go through cycles on a daily basis and even a yearly basis. Everyday we go through cycles of our daily routine, wake up, get ready, go to school, go to practice, come home, do homework, go to bed repeat. Then we repeat this same routine on a weekly basis, having breaks on Saturday and Sunday. Then we repeat this whole process every year. Not only do we repeat ourselves but so does history and the world. Rebellions, war, and strikes all repeat themselves. One main example that we have surely all heard before was the example of Hitler invading Russia during the winter, even though Napoleon did the same thing and failed earlier in history. The Earth and nature also repeat itself. Hurricanes and eclipses are two recent examples that come to mind. Marquez uses Macondo to show how the world and we repeat ourselves all the time.

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