Saturday, September 30, 2017


So there's this show I watch called Game of Thrones. In the show, there was a character named Oberyn (sorry for anyone who was thinking of watching the show 'cause...spoiler). Like Oedipus, Oberyn was well loved by his people and charismatic. He was also very prideful and impulsive, two attributes of his personality that led to his downfall. Anywhoo, Oberyn ended up in a duel with a really huge dude who was kind of a freakishly muscly bodyguard for a very royal family. This dude was called the Mountain. Oberyn would have won the duel had he let go of his personal vendetta against the Mountain (dude raped and murdered Oberyn's sister then murdered her children). Oberyn had the Mountain on the ground, he was good as dead. But Oberyn would not relent until the Mountain admitted out loud what he did to his sister. When Oberyn got too close to the Mountain, who was sprawled out on the ground, he tripped Oberyn and poked Oberyn's eyes out with his fingers until his head exploded. Perhaps if Oedipus had not pushed Tiresius or Creon for the ugly truth, he wouldn't have felt inclined to poke his own eyes out. Likewise, Oberyn certainly would have kept his own eyes and head if he had settled for fatally wounding the Mountain without demanding for a confession. 

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