Friday, September 29, 2017

Jocasta - Robot, Queen of Thebes, and Bride of Ultron

So there’s this character in the Marvel Universe named Jocasta.  She’s also called the “Queen of Thebes” and "Bride of Ultron."  According to this site: (, she was created by Ultron to be Ultron’s partner.  Apparently in the comics this guy Hank Pym created Ultron…and then Ultron used Hank to transfer the life force of Hank’s wife Wasp into the “robotic shell” he called Jocasta.  Kinda confusing, just like Oedipus’ family.  So anyway, Ultron named the robot Jocasta because she was both the creation of Ultron and his bride.
Brief rundown on Jocasta that undoubtedly omits lots and lots of details and facts:
After her creation, Jocasta was like, “Oh, no, if I live then that means Wasp has to die!” and called up the Avengers to put a stop to Ultron’s madness.  Even then, some small part of Wasp remained part of Jocasta, but when Ultron re-activated her, she ultimately decided to side with the Avengers (after briefly returning to Ultron’s side).  In the end she sacrificed herself (twice!) in order to get rid of Ultron.

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