Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Debate: Night One (VOTE VOTE VOTE!)

Hey Guys, So, the debate literally just ended and I am having one of the worst headaches of my life! I tried to watch the debate as moderatley as I possibly could, but it was just one side trying to debate and the other just interrupting. Would any of the even be considered a debate?! You know it's bad when the moderator begins to show annoyance with one of the candidates! I am genuienly so scared for America right now. People are so tense, and this event really made me see that head-on. Even fellow students were posting on their stories calling each other names! Because of this debate!!! I can't even begin to express my fear for what will come after WHOEVER is elected. It was like I was just watching, with my own two eyes, the downfall of America! Anyways.. I don't want to get too heated (again), but I just really wanted to say, IF YOU ARE ABLE TO VOTE... DO IT! Now, more than ever, America and the people of America need it. I'm sorry if this was all just rambles... I am just.... BAFFLED.


Catherine Ronquillo said...

hi erica!! okay, it's been a few days since the debate and I still have anxiety from it. I seriously don't know when our debates became more argumentative than factual. I remember watching the debate and uncomfortably laughing at the insults both candidates were calling one another. I feel just as scared as you. I feel as if our country is more divided than ever and I had false hope that this debate would, in some ways, be able to unify us. Unfortunately, I think it did anything but that. It just seems as if the candidates have zero mutual respect for each other (somewhat rightfully so), but it's sad to see that our government has come to this. Even though watching that debate gave me a headache and anxiety for days, it made me further realize who I believe is better fit to run our country. With that being said, I'm am going to echo you by saying everyone should vote!! I won't be of age but this is arguably the most important election of our time, so please please please vote if you can! It is more important than ever before.

Unknown said...

Hey erica! I totally agree, that debate was like 5 year olds yelling at each other. I did favor one candidate more than the other, like you, but I was terrified for this election. Especially since I can't even vote in it, so the's nothing I can do!! When they were talking about the procedures with the Corona Virus, and one candidate took no precautions, and guess what, has corona!! That is pretty scary for out country.

Also, I'm surprised they didn't really talk about the BLM movement. After studying it in class and how it relates to Sing, Unburied, Sing, I was surprised that they didn't talk about that at all. Like Erica said, VOTEEEE!!!! (if you can)

Unknown said...

Hey Erica! This entire election and the last four years in general have made me realize what's probably the biggest flaw in the whole system lately: WE KEEP VOTING OUT ALL OF THE GOOD CANDIDATES. Do people not realize that there were more than two candidates before?? There were so many better options, but people get focused on the two big ones because the things they say gain the most media attention, and sometimes we forget that there aren't only two parties. We need to stop voting out everyone who isn't a 70+ year old white man with very questionable views, and then complaining when there are only bad candidates left. For 2024, there better not be anyone older than 50 that makes it to the final elections. What happened to letting new generations take over and run things? It also doesn't help that a lot of older men who run are extremely rich, and have been their whole lives, so they don't know what it's like to just live life as a normal person. Therefore, they often aren't fit to make laws regarding taxes and homelessness, because they've never been in a difficult position before and don't understand how hard it can be to pull yourself out of it, particularly if the government is not on your side.
Let's make sure we do better in 2024 when we can all vote!