Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Which Harry Potter house would the SUS characters be sorted into?

 So I don't know how many of us have Titkok, but I won't lie, I spend a lot of time on it everyday. Since I spend so much time online, I decided that my blog posts are going to be mostly about pop culture and media, just because it's what I know best. This will definitely never be as good as Erica's Corner because I'll mostly just ask you guys questions that somewhat relate to the books. 

As a kid, I was a Percy Jackson fan. It's come back some since Disney is making a series on the books (which it deserves because those movies were absolute GARBAGE). While I've seen some Tiktok content on Percy Jackson, I've really seen a lot of Harry Potter on my for you page. I never was a fan of Harry Potter; I tried to read the first book, got bored, and never watched a single movie just because it wasn't my thing. I've definitely gotten more into it (which is mostly the fault of Ms. Deryn Patin and the not so small crush I now have on Draco Malfoy) and took a few quizzes to see what house I was sorted into. While Deryn doesn't agree with this, I was sorted into Slytherin. I think it makes sense mostly for my biggest flaws: my ambition, my pride, and my loyalty to those I consider family. But this post isn't about me, I just wanted to share that. (What house is everyone else in, curious).

In honor of Tom Felton's birthday being today, I wanted to ask the class: What house do you think each of the characters from Sing, Unburied, Sing would get sorted into? I have some ideas that I bounced around with Deryn since she's my residential Harry Potter expert, but I want to know someone else's idea. We agreed that Pop and Jojo would be in Gryffindor and that if anyone in the family were in Slytherin, it'd be Leonie. I don't really know much about the houses other than Slytherin because I did some research after I was sorted, but I can guess that a few of my classmates are big fans. 

So let's pretend that we are now the sorting hat, and take a look at the inner workings of each character, and how they would be sorted. 

(p.s. I like the theory Deryn brought to me about the sorting hat choosing what you value the most in life, rather than what you truly are. I think that makes a lot of sense, and it could help with looking at the characters since we only know the inner thoughts of 3)


Unknown said...

We have a Hufflepuff member over here! When I first took the quiz in Lower School, I, along with most people, thought that Gryffindor was the best house. I took the quiz, and while I thought I was answering the questions honestly, I was probably a little biased. I received Gryffindor that time. Fast-forward to middle school, I took the quiz and selected the options that actually excited me the most. I think I gave up on Gryffindor sometime around when I went to the Mortuary and realized being the first person in a haunted house was not for me. However, so many of the questions just depend on what mood I am in. Like the question, "Provided with a path to a castle, the woods, or a beach, which one do you take?". The beach sounds fun to play in, but the castle looks cool, but the forest is all magical and woodsy. So for me personally, my answers can vary based on my mood. As for Deryn's comment about the Sorting Hat placing you into the house with the qualities you most value, not the ones you have, I agree. Such is the case with Neville Longbottom. Another interesting fact is that each member of the golden trio could have been placed into a different house- Harry into Slytherin, Ron to Hufflepuff, Hermonie to Ravenclaw. However, because each of them valued courage and bravery over the other houses' traits, even though they possessed them, they were sorted into Gryffindor. Now to the actual question. I agree that Jojo could belong in Gryffindor, as he desperately wants to a brave man, but I also believe he could be in Hufflepuff. His never-wavering loyalty to Kayla is prominent throughout the novel. However, he is perhaps too closed off to strangers to fit the stereotype of the happy-go-lucky, nice to everyone Hufflepuff. I think some of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff's traits go hand in hand. One can be brave, but loyalty to their family and friends can be the driving factor. I think that Mam could also be a Hufflepuff. She is a kind, maternal figure to Jojo. She is connected with her spiritual side and seems content with the life she has lived. She is also patient and hardworking. I am not sure if I agree that Leonie is Slytherin, but I also don't know what other house she would be in. Slytherins are ambitious and cunning, and Leonie doesn't really seem to fit that mold to me. She seems more just struggling to get along and doing everything she can to escape her troubles. I think a true Slytherin would face the problem head on, find the root of the problem, and destroy it. Just my thoughts... Quite a lengthy response, but as you mentioned, yes, there are some of us in this class who are big fans of Harry Potter!

erica ricci said...
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Unknown said...

I love this!!!!
Okay first off, Jojo is definitely is more of a Gryffindor/Hufflepuff because of how strong and independent he is and how he caring/loyal he is for the ones he truly loves.
As Izzy said, Mam would be a Hufflepuff. She is just one of the compassionate and purely good people in this novel, and the way she becomes a motherly figure for her grandchildren really helps amplify those Hufflepuff values.
And Pop, hmmmmmm, I'd say he is, similar to Jojo, and he is touching on Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. He is very hardworking, he has been through a lot and has become Jojo's role model.
And lastly, Leonie... I will agree with Izzy on some parts, she definitely shows signs and personality traits of a Slytherin, BUT I'm going to have to say I think she is more of a (growing) Gryffindor. Now, I said "growing" because personally, I have a lot of hope for Leonie and I know she is aware of her wrong-doings as a mother. Yes, she can be selfish and negligent, but she is almost mentally "stuck." After her brother's murder and the constant racism she faces through Michael's family, she is just completely and utterly disturbed. What I'm trying to say is that, with the right help and good character development, in the future, I can see Leonie having the personality traits of a Gryffindor.

Unknown said...

I am a huge Harry Potter fan! I have actually been sorted into both Gryffindor and Slytherin at different times in my life. When I first took the quiz, like Izzy, I was a little (ok maybe a lot) biased in a pro-Gryffindor position, and I knew that I was changing my answers to fit Gryffindor, which is probably actually a Slytherin trait because I did what was needed to obtain my goals now that I think about it.
I think that Mam would actually be a Ravenclaw because she is a teacher and an information gatherer at heart. She is a strong person, but at the same time, she reminds me a little of Luna Lovegood, who believed in things that most people don't, but more importantly Luna is a curious person who is always searching for answers. I think that Mam is like that in the sense that she is always learning and teaching Leonie, who ignores her.
I think that Jojo is a Gryffindor because he values bravery and is capable of great feats of bravery and honor. He shows these traits through how he treats Richie.
Pop would be a Slytherin, I think, because he was ambitious enough to see the opportunities that he was given in Parchman. Pop truly acts like a Slytherin by listening and adapting his plans to what his family needs. I think that while Pop is hardworking, his ambition to have a house and land of his own is what drives him to be hardworking.

Unknown said...

I agree with Renee that Pop would definitely be in Slytherin as the unsung hero of the novel. He supports the entire family (especially now that Mam's health is failing), and he teaches Jojo how to be a respectable, mature young man. These attributes probably sound very Gryffindor, but his "mercy killing" of Richie reminds me of Snape's murder of Dumbledore, although the circumstances are slightly different. Both seemingly "cruel" actions required a great deal of bravery, but no one in Gryffindor would openly condone murder. Rather, Pop's killing of Richie required the Slytherin cunning; he weighed the possible outcomes and realized that if he didn't kill Richie as painlessly as possible, Kinnie and his dogs would ensure he died in the most grisly way imaginable. Similarly, Dumbledore's health was failing due to a curse he picked up from a Horcrux, and he asked Snape to kill him in order to avoid a more gruesome murder at the hands of werewolf Fenrir Greyback or Voldemort's crazed mistress Bellatrix, who "likes to play with her food before she eats it" (J.K. Rowling, sorry I don't know the page number). The only difference here is that Dumbledore asks Snape to kill him so as not to tarnish Draco's precious soul (Draco was ordered to kill Dumbledore as a punishment for his father Lucius' failure in the Department of Mysteries), not caring for Snape's - "and what about my soul, Dumbledore? Mine?" (also J.K. Rowling), whereas Pop knows that Kinnie's soul has already been so disfigured that there is not a shred of humanity left.

Unknown said...

Another Hufflepuff here. Unlike some of the others in the comments, I actually never really cared for Gryffindor, and was happy to be put in a different house. To me, Gryffindors are basically just less ambitious Slytherins who think much too highly of their own house. And yes, they're brave, but most of the time it's to the point of being foolish. Bravery doesn't mean anything if you don't have the brains to make rational decisions before charging into situations. I enjoyed the series for almost every character except for the main trio, though Ron and Hermione began to grow on me after a while (Harry never did). As for the Sing, Unburied, Sing characters, I believe that Jojo would be a Hufflepuff. He is brave like a Gryffindor, but lacks most of the other traits from that house. Hufflepuffs are very loyal, so and Izzy said, Jojo has a great deal of loyalty to Kayla and Pop and would do anything for them. Hufflepuffs are also known to be great finders, and Jojo was able to find Richie and take him away from Parchman. Personally, I think that Leonie would be a Squib. It just fits her personality more than any of the houses, because she's sort of the disappointment, she can't do a lot of things right, which she's angry about. Pop would be a Slytherin because of the reasons Clara listed, like killing Richie out of mercy. A Gryffindor would never do that, even if it was out of mercy and he would have suffered more without it.

Ryn said...

Firstly I would like to thank you for awarding me the position of the in-house Harry Potter expert, my 12-year-old self is quaking as she reads this knowing that all the hours she spent reading extra articles about Harry Potter or watching YouTube videos where JK Rowling goes in-depth so bad her characters in the world truly paid off. Secondly, I would like to state the fact that I do believe you belong in so they’re in but I don’t believe in your reasoning for why which I would love to explain on the chat but don’t feel like I would have enough space. As mentioned I agree with Jojo Leoni and Pop as we did work on those three together but I would like to bring up a new character Kayla. And I would like to start off by promising I will only do Kayla because if I could I really would do all of the characters gleefully and I don’t want to take that away from others you may want to comment as well. I feel like Kayla is such a young character that it’s really hard to sort her because as JK Rowling has stated 12 years old was a specific choice because of the maturity at that time it’s such a pivotal point of someone’s childhood and Kayla is really too young to properly sort her so I will be sorting her based off of the qualities that she has shown within the novel at her young age and what I think they would develop into later on. RAVENCLAW! I believe Kayla would be a great Raven claw she’s already displayed numerous qualities of Raven claw namely creativity, and inquisitive nature, and puzzle solving skills. Although she isn’t really able to speak very well at such a young age I do believe that Kayla would grow to be a very witty young child already displaying a mature intellect for such a young age which would help her in the raven claw household to truly become and the luminary within the Wizarding world. I also believe that she is displayed an inquisitive natureWhich may be due in fact because of her young age but also a strong quality that she may keep as she grows forward which will definitely help her in her research within Raven claw is raven clause are given an unlimited source of knowledge within their common room alone. Lastly I believe that she would be very good at puzzle solving skills in critical thinking as she has displayed certain abilities to read a scene well and understand what is going on and how to react to that scene very quickly. This is just my opinion I’d love to hear yawls on I would really love to hear what y’all think about Richie, I won’t go into why I believe that he belongs in Hufflepuff. Lastly, I would like to highlight for both Renee and Clara that you are both confusing actions with house qualities. Gryffinrs have not only condoned but committed murder, i.e. Dumbledore was part of Gryffindor and planned the murder of both himself and Harry. Therefore Pop's mercy killing of Richie is more of a Gryffindor trait as it was the noble and righteous thing to do. Please recognize that Slytherin house is known for their cunning, strong love, and enterprise. Pop has shown qualities are defending the ones he has loved but displays NO qualities of enterprise, cunning, or ambition. Cunning being the sly ability to trick others has never been seen in Pop, who killed Richie knowing he would face a more gruesome death otherwise displaying the same logic Dumbledore (a Gryffindor had.) Either way I feel that we must acknowledge that judging houses by their characters as they are not reflective of their houses.

Unknown said...

I agree that Gryffindors (like Dumbledore) have tacitly condoned murder, but what I said was that they don't openly condone murder. For instance, no one but Dumbledore and Snape knew of Dumbledore's plan for Snape to kill him. Dumbledore thought up the entire plan, but after his death, it never occurred to anyone that Dumbledore had asked Snape to kill him. So clearly Dumbledore's plan for his death was a secret to everyone except him and Snape (and in the end, Harry). Additionally, Dumbledore condoned killing Harry in order to destroy Voldemort's last Horcrux, but he never outwardly admitted this to anyone but Snape, who points out that "'you've been raising him like a pig for slaughter'" (J.K Rowling). If Dumbledore had openly condoned Harry's murder (by telling his plan to McGonagall or the Order of the Phoenix, for instance) it is likely that he would have retained very few supporters once people realized that for the war to end, the Boy Who Lived had to die. I also believe that Dumbledore's plan for his death was more Slytherin than Gryffindor - or at least, I believe that it showed Dumbledore's Slytherin qualities such as manipulation and cunning and Snape's Gryffindor qualities such as bravery. (Dumbledore tells Snape, "Sometimes I think we sort too soon" (J.K. Rowling), alluding to the fact that the bravery he displayed epitomizes the core values of Gryffindor). I also do believe that Pop has ambition, if not for himself then for Jojo and Kayla. He is desperate to see Jojo and Kayla succeed in life, which is why he spends so much time being Jojo's role model for how to be a man. I definitely don't believe that Pop has exclusively Slytherin qualities, but I also don't think he exhibits exclusively Gryffindor qualities either.