Monday, September 21, 2020

Erica's Corner / The Election of 2020

First off, I'd just like to say thank you to Adriana for giving me this name for my new blog segment. It's so perfect, thank you! During quarantine, I started to create some hobbies for myself like writing journals and drawing how i felt in isolation. My mom gave me this idea after she told me in March, "You should start writing about this, Erica. This is a major historical event and I'm sure one day your kids or grandkids are going to ask you about COVID!" I thought that was a really great idea, and so I got right to it. Now with the "hype" of COVID starting to die down, I saw that this upcoming election is going to follow suit. If you don't already know, this election is (already) extremely tense. There is going to be an outbreak of anger if either canidate wins. This election, as well as the 2016 election, are going to go down in history books, I'm sure of it. So, with the first presidential debate only 8 days away, I am going to be watching and documenting some key points from each debate. Also, today, I purchased a Biden Haris 2020 shirt. To be honest, I am not the biggest Biden fan, but I just bought it to show my kids/grandkids where I stood in this election, since I am not of age to vote yet... I did this, also, to show them my/our family values. So, ever since my mom told me those few sentences in March, I really feel like this is what I should do for all these major events I live through. Not only for myself, but for my *future* family. That's kind of all I really wanted to talk about today... Hope you guys enjoyed! -Erica Ricci


Catherine Ronquillo said...

hiiii erica!! Okay to start, I just want to say that I am in full support and thoroughly excited about "Erica's Corner." I like everything about it already. Anyway, I love your mindset about the election coming up, just had to tell you that. I won't be able to vote either but I feel like it's evident that our voices be heard, more than ever. I just think with everything going on in our nation right now, change is so desperately needed. I don't want to get too political on here but I adore you for getting a Biden Harris 2020 shirt. Maybe I'll get a hat to match you? I haven't completely decided on my merchandise of choice but I'll let you know. I don't agree with all of Biden's politics either, but I do think he's a step in the right direction for our nation and I just think Kamala is super cool. She just seems like this really strong feminist and I love that she's always wearing a blazer. I might be the only person that's noticed that but I think she really pulls it off! I just feel like she's similar to Michelle Obama in the way that she makes young girls believe they can do absolutely anything in this world. Just like you, I want my kids to know I supported a female vice president with the values that she holds. Okay, I think that's pretty much I everything I wanted to touch on but I'm already excited about the next Erica's Corner haha.

Unknown said...

As we wade our way through the monster of the year that is 2020, I think it is important to remember what happened, how it happened, and what we can do so that it does not happen again. I wonder if in 100 years people will read about this year and think of it as the distant past that could never happen with all of the modern commodities. I think that sentiment is one that we can all relate to. When school first closed, I think that most of us thought that this would be over in a month. That did not happen. What will the world look like in 100 years? I don't know, but what I do know is that this chapter will be riddled with primary source memes and the people will be just as likely to blow off major events as inconsequential as we are today because no one wants to face the fact that they are living more than just their ordinary lives.

Unknown said...

It's such a good idea to write down our personal experiences from this year, Erica! As crazy and memorable this pandemic has been, this idea never occurred to me because it's just part of life to us now. But to future kids learning about 2020 in history class, this year would probably seem so outrageous that they would think nothing like this could ever happen again, like Renee said. I admit, when I learned about past historical pandemics in history class, I was always like "dang, that probably sucked but that would never happen nowadays." But here we are. It's so surreal to say I lived through a pandemic, and to think it has all happened in only half of a year and is probably nowhere close to being over is insane. I definitely need to start journaling my day to day life because I bet it would sound so bizarre in 50-60 years. Even myself 7 months ago would be in complete shock. So thank you, Erica! I'm inspired to start recording these memories ASAP.

Unknown said...

Abigail Beck—
I love this whole “Erica’s Corner” idea! I think that it is very important to pass down the history of 2020 to our future generations. BLM is getting much more recognition now, COVID has hit the whole world unexpectedly, and the presidential election is probably one of the most controversial ones in America’s history. Also, I feel like a lot of people are changing because of the events around them. People are being shaped by all of the crazy stuff around them. I feel like I’ve been shaped for the better. I don’t want to vote this year because I don’t want to support either candidate. However, people have protested, marched, and fought for my right to vote. I think that it’s important to appreciate all that I have been given, and exercise my rights. I can’t stand Donald Trump, so I suppose I’ll be voting for Biden this year.
The idea to record all that’s going on is really smart. I think I’ll try starting that too!

Unknown said...

Hey Erica! I feel so honored omg!! I’m looking forward to reading your blogs now!! I think Its pretty cool what you are doing actually. I can only imagine where our world is going to be in 20 years, and I think that being able to educate our future generations is so important if we want to change the future. I honestly think our generation can do that. I mean, it’s really up to us if we want a better future. I know, our generation gets like “lazy, I don’t care about anything” stereotype, but I feel like deep down, most of us really care about our quality of life. I’m excited yet scared to see what our future is going to look like, but I remind myself that it’s up to us to make a change.

Camila Figueroa said...

Hey Erica! Love the new segment, and how you're talking about the Election. I think it is so important to talk about the election because this is our future, and we are the building blocks to how we live. I agree with everything you have said, and I think our discussion of the Black Lives Matter Movement can really affect the election, if not determine it. I am not trying to get political, but I feel as if one candidate has been doing more and respecting more of the BLM movement and isn't as conservative with his views (I guess you can guess who!), and I definitely think that after reading Sing, Unburied, Sing and seeing the BLM movement, it definitely defines of generation. I, therefore, thinks that this can definitely impact the election greatly, because this movement and many other ideas are so important to me personally and I know a lot of people in the generation (and we are the future)!