Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Going into this unit, I was so excited to dive into The Wasteland as I remember reading and loving The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock last year. Each word of that poem has meaning, and the whole piece moves so tragically and beautifully that the reader can't help but be impacted. I found some art that relates to that piece and I thought it'd be fun to share, enjoy!

Image result for the love song of j. alfred prufrock artImage result for the love song of j. alfred prufrock artImage result for the love song of j. alfred prufrock art


Unknown said...

I really enjoy looking at this artwork, in addition to other artwork inspired by Modernism. Pablo Picasso's artwork, for example, is starting to make sense for me because now I know about the source of his inspiration. Previously, I thought that he was deforming all of his portraits just to be weird but now I can see that he is trying to break away from the traditional and classical form of portraits depicting humans with typical body features.

Farah Wells said...

I remember last year upon reading Prufrock, the phrase "Do I dare disturb the universe?" to be quite impactful and thought-provoking! The simplistic phrasing yet philosophical nature of that question definitely applies to all of the works we have read this year that have provoked the debate of fate vs. free will! It also makes me think of discussions we have had in religion class recently as we are learning about Hinduism and the belief that "all is one and one is all" therefore our individual movements and actions affect the universe and vice versa!