Friday, February 22, 2019

Osiris, Egyptian Numerals, and Destiny 2

In reading the story of Osiris, I was surprised to recognize a few elements. For senior teacher day, I taught about Egyptian math and numerals; one of my examples for how certain numbers were Important in mythology was the number of scorpions Isis had accompanying her when she was looking for her husband, which was 7. I hadn’t known the background, though, and so now I find it far more interesting. Also it’s significant that Osiris was cut into 14 pieces because that’s a multiple of 7. (7 was a number considered divine by the Egyptians.) Further, I recognized the name Osiris from a video game I like called Destiny 2. In the game, Osiris has a connection to almost supernatural powers. He can exist in multiple places and is depicted as all knowing. He also has the intention of saving the world, and started a cult based around the planet Mercury, which is a garden planet in the game. This is similar to how Osiris in mythology was connected to harvest, plants, and life. They are also both worshiped. Destiny’s Osiris is in exile because of his focus on the aliens and his intellect, which I suppose can be likened to how Osiris in mythology was attacked for his power.

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