Saturday, February 9, 2019

¿AOC and the GND?

"Gregor Samson turning into a giant beetle. That's obviously not true. A famous representative in the United States Congress proposes to provide economic stability to all who are unable or unwilling to work. That's obviously not true." - a rational person.

"What are you talking about! I just proposed exactly that!!" - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Attached is the Green New Deal outline that the office of Cortez has taken down. I suggest you take a look.

PS: for all of you scared of flying, don't worry, the removal of air traffic is proposed as well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lol Ritchie. How about this comparison. Will Gregor Samson make it out of bed and to his job on time now that he is a beetle? Definitely not. Will the United States be able to pay for the Green New Deal and complete all the goals in 10 years? Not a shot. I thank you for informing our class on this new bill written by Cortez and will possibly be brought to the floor of the House for a vote. Many students are actually unaware of such proposals being discussed by Congress. I hope everyone who has seen this post actually takes the time to read the link you provided and actually does some research on their own to see what it is all about. Many might see the goals of this proposal as a "super awesome way to save the environment" or one that will "grow the economy while giving everyone well-paying jobs!" Heck it even sounds cool and very eco-friendly: "The Green New Deal." But I hope many of our environmentalists out there (myself included) do some reading on some of the other things included and how the US would even be able pay for this or be able to achieve such things. Some of the transportation methods and ways to make EVERY SINGLE city and building convert from fossil fueled power plants to renewable generators is beyond science thus far in 2019. Cortez is proposing we do things we don't even know how to do yet. This would be the biggest expense to the United States since WW2 andddddd were already in tremendous debt soooo. I'm not going to share my opinions on what I think our law makers should do regarding this, but I encourage you all to actually look deeper into this, listen to the experts talk about it, then form your opinions on this idea and the effects it may have on your lives, the American economy, and the environment. In the meantime, Gregor will forever be a beetle and will not make it to work, unless he can find some way to transform himself back to human which he will not be able to do, pay for, or figure out before he is late for his job. It will be a process before the scientists can figure out a way to bring him back to normal.