Monday, September 21, 2015

Oedipus on Netflix

So today in class we talked about how in Oedipus, the chorus asked if a sacrifice to the gods would save Thebes from the plague. The plague had an overlying theme of fertility, and how it inhibited growth in Thebes. That reminded me of this show I used to watch on Netflix, supernatural. It’s about these two brothers who kill demons, and reapers, and mythical stuff. In this one episode, they saw reports that a newcouple would disappear from a road outside of a small town in New York (around the same time each year). They later find out that the town elders would sacrifice a couple every year to this weird demon/archangel thing. Once they made the sacrifice, the town's apple orchard would prosper and they would have a successful year at harvest. This parallels to how the chorus in Oedipus wanted to offer a sacrifice to end the plague on fertility. A proper sacrifice would

Supernatural is a pretty cool show. It’s not really related to English class other than this instance, but if your into ghost stories and stuff I’d check it out. 

Image result for supernatural scarecrow
Image result for supernatural scarecrow
Image result for supernatural scarecrow

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