Saturday, May 2, 2015

Humanities Review

Through the past year, we have had the opportunity in Humanities to learn from a wide variety of fields, including (but not limited to): literature analysis and composition, historical background and its influence on literature and the societal values, art, music, philosophy, science, and even some math. I have been impressed by the coverage, especially the learning through non-sequiturs on the blog (what other literature classes have featured discussions on quantum mechanics?). Whenever I describe the course to someone, they seem blown away by the amount of reading we do and by the breadth and depth of analysis. I think that the reason we are able to venture into this academic territory so freely is largely based around the composition of the class. We've got people interested in STEM, law, forensics, and more. We'be all explored our interests, which gives each of us something new to add to the collective intelligence of the class. The well-roundedness has been the most enjoyable aspect of the course (but also harassing y'all with my music posts :) ).
     Things I disliked were few and far between, though I suppose I didn't like how informal the blog got at some points.
     Keep in touch! Good luck guys.

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