Saturday, December 5, 2020

The college of my choice

 I got accepted into the college of my choice and got a big scholarship!! I’ve already enrolled for next year. Things just keep getting better for me. I can’t wait to go to college now. Besides the college itself being amazing, it’s also in a city just outside of Chicago. So, basically I can experience the attractions of the big city but I don’t have to live with the crime rate. Also, my cousins live there, who I’m extremely close with. One of my best friends lives there too. I have wanted to go to this college ever since I was a kid, and things have just aligned for me. What’s y’all’s dream college? How are things going for you? 


Unknown said...

I find out on Friday, after my English Exam, if I got into my dream school! I am so nervous that everytime I think about it, I literally shake. I will find out at school because I am planning on taking my religion exam that afternoon.
Who do I tell first? My parents, obviously, since they have helped me so much, but do I call my grandparents and tell them? Especially if I don't get in, that would be awful. I will be the first of my generation on both sides of my family to go to University. It is a lot of pressure because I am the forth person to become "of college age," and my grandparents, one who holds a PHD and the other who taught high school math and science, are both extremely hopeful that I will follow in their footsteps.
I am so excited that you already got in and are enrolled Abbie! I know that you really wanted to go to Wheaton (sp?), and I am so happy that everything worked out for you! Cross your fingers that I can join in your joy and be accepted at Johns Hopkins.

Unknown said...

Yay, Abbie! Congratulations! I hope I can come visit you, as Ally and Chloe will still be in Chicago our first year. I'm really happy things are working out for you. Renee, good luck! My two cents are that I actually kind of think you should wait to open your decision until you get home and are with your family. I know it will be agonizing, but I think that waiting to be surrounded and supported by your loved ones, whether you get in or not, would make the experience better and mean a lot to them as well. I personally don't know if I could drive home after freaking out after opening my letter (but then again, I don't know if I could drive home with it hanging over my head before opening it). Whatever you do and whatever happens, I wish you the best of luck! I know you'll go somewhere great and exceed in whatever you do.

Catherine Ronquillo said...

Abbie, I am so, so proud. I know we talked about this a little in Philosophy, but I cannot think of a person more deserving of this than you. I think it's so cool that you're going to be right outside of Chicago. It's almost as if you get both a big city and a small town in one which is both perfect and fitting. I'm just really excited for you and please make sure to tell me all about it when you're there! I find out if I get into NYU next Tuesday which I'm like insanely nervous about. Pretty sure it's the root cause for my new habit or hair twirling:) Anyway, I applied ED in hopes that that would maybeee increase my chances, but we'll see. I'm trying to stay positive and recognize that I can be happy in so many other places, but I'd be really, really happy if it worked out for me. I'll make sure to let you know how it goes! Anyway, once again I'm so excited and proud of you! You're going to be amazing :)