Friday, December 11, 2020

Thank you

 Hey, everyone. Now that we're done with our English exam, I just thought it would be nice to say thank you to everyone for the first semester. This year has been kinda crazy, but I've laughed and had some good times with y'all. Ms. King, I know we freak and stress you out. Thank you for dealing with us and encouraging us to relax. I hope you have a restoration Christmas break, one I think we all need. To alleviate some of the pressure for exams, why don't we drop a funny/good memory from this year. I'm sure we'll never forget 2020, even if we try. In due time, we'll go out with a blast at the end of the 2021 school year. For now, let's just make some memories. Here's mine:

All of the polls on the blog and discussion in class about the results, particularly the Harry Potter house one


Unknown said...

Hahaha I have to say that my favorite memory from AP English IV so far would have to be the engaging discussion of the "new young teachers" that I observed last Tuesday. When Ms. King walked in and asked, "Y'all are talking about me right?" and Cami said, "No, we're talking about the new math teacher!" I actually died laughing. Y'all will always have a special place in my heart, and I'm so grateful for all the laughter and tears we've shared together. Thanks for your friendship and support, and Ms. King, thanks for putting up with our quirky (and probably really annoying) idiosyncrasies! We really appreciate you!

Unknown said...

Hey y'all. My favorite memory from this year is a very general one. I enjoy just messing around and having silly discussions, especially in long periods when we have a study hall for the last half. We get so off topic, it can be really funny. Mrs. King, I know you don't particularly enjoy it, but thank you for letting us do it anyway! It's important to have some chill moments in an otherwise stressful day, or else we would be even more tightly wound than we already are. And we all know how much she tells us we need to stop stressing, haha (she's right, though!)

Anonymous said...

My favorite memory from AP English IV is when...oh wait.

Just kidding! (sort of) I love talking with everyone and sitting in the first few minutes of class, when Ms. King doesn't throw me out.

Unknown said...

I loved when we watched that weird Oedipus play thing with the masks! Abbie was sitting on the floor, laughing so hard that Ms. King actually asked if she was ok. I think that that was right after the first round of college apps? Anyway, I feel great about this upcoming semester- 16ish weeks until April 30th- and I hope that senoritis is not hitting too hard (I think that by now we all have a mild case). I hope that we all have more great memories from english!