Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Just When I Thought I Was Done

Hi, y'all,

This entire year, I kept telling myself just make it through November 15th since that's when all your applications are due. Well, I kinda forgot about a little thing called scholarships. And realizing that I have six essays due Saturday caused a mental break down tonight. I believe that since it's combined with being in quarantine right now, I might be over exaggerating, but nevertheless, the task is still daunting, and as I have said many times on this blog, I don't wanna do it.

Fortunately, however, I am hoping to be able to return on Friday. I believe I was promised cookies as a celebration (@clara, still not sure if that works). Furthermore, because of the many good things I heard about the Queen's Gambit, I started watching it, and I must admit that it was very good. I hope Laura will comment on this post and actually address me this time. Anyways that was my rant for the week so thanks for dropping by.

Yours truly,


Unknown said...

Dear Gatherer,

You can do it! I know how stressful deadlines can be, but I have confidence that you will succeed. You are extremely intelligent and have a great work ethic, and I'm sure your essays will be excellent. When I am having a tough time, this verse really helps me: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) I hope it helps you, too :)

To respond to your @, I will do my utmost to make you cookies for Friday - I have a second audition due on Friday and a possible test, but if I can't make them on Thursday night, I'll bring them on Monday. Also, I'm so glad you enjoyed the Queen's Gambit! I just re-watched it over the break. I want to become a grand master now lol - I've started playing chess and I've asked for chess strategy books for Christmas. Anyway, sorry this comment ended up really long, but you've got this! You'll kill those essays!



Unknown said...

Hey Hunter! I'm in quarantine too! I'm super upset I won't be there Friday because I'm missing Christmas Dress Up Day, and we were gonna have an advisory holiday party :(. Relating to what you said about scholarships, these essays are the worst! They all differ slightly but not enough to use the same essay for all of them. It's so aggravating especially when we're also preparing for mid-terms! To top it all off, my senioritis is advancing! After mid-terms are through, I don't know what will motivate me to go to school. We can do it, guys!

Catherine Ronquillo said...

hi hunter! First of all, I miss you. Like a lot. I didn't think I would and to be completely honest, it was nice not having to hearing the incessant insults from you. However, I started missing those after the first few days. I think now I am starting to have withdrawals and I really really reallyyy hope you come back Friday. On a different note, I think I need to start watching the Queen's Gambit too. A lot of my friends have been telling me to watch but isn't it about chess? Nothing against the chess community, I just don't know how much I would enjoy it. Maybe you could tell me whether you think I'd like it or not. Anyway, so excited to see you! Please get Starbucks with me again :)

Unknown said...

Hey Hunter. I never do three blog posts in a week, but I was called out by name, so I feel like I have to respond. I got accepted to Millsaps a few days ago and they offered me $28,000 annually, but unfortunately, I applied there as my LAST last option, like I will only go there if nowhere else accepts me. But, I feel bad because that's a lot of money and I probably won't get that much from other schools. On the scholarship note, though, I have to do some for St. Andrew's and I would literally rather cut off my own toe than do this right now. I didn't have to apply for anything at Millsaps for them to throw money at me, so why can't all schools just take your information and filter what you're eligible for? Ugh. Oh well, I guess I'll go work on that now.

erica ricci said...

Hey Hunger :),
I am so sad that I will not be able to see your dashing face during English class. I will definitely miss that! But I am glad you are able to return back to school. Anyway, I just finished up a couple scholarship essays for Tulane just a few hours ago and man, it was just the worst! I feel so so so so SO drained. I do love writing, but Jesus am I sick of it right now! (No offense Ms. King <3) I actually have started getting into The Crown recently because I heard they introduced Princess Di into the cast and I LOVE HER SO MUCH. I might be obsessed, but you can thank my mom for that because she also is a die-hard Diana stan. I just think that woman was the epitome of class and elegance. I love watching documentaries and reading articles about her life. I truly wish she was still around. As I said, she was the best! Anyway, I wish you good luck with your scholarships, Hunter!
With love,
Erica Ricci