Saturday, November 11, 2017

Dante and His Alle(gory)

So I'm pretty sure we all noticed that Dante's epic poem can get gory at times...a lot of times.  People are getting ripped open, trampled upon, and torn apart all over the place.

Well, the same holds true for the video game version of the Inferno.  It came out in about 2010 I think.  (Disclaimer: I've never played this game and never intend to; I've merely read about it.)

It's pretty inaccurate, which is to be expected, of course.  For example, Dante is a crusader who comes back to his village after defeating Death (instead of a man who weeps in pity at the sight of the twisted human form).  Okay, sure, whatever.

When Dante comes back, he finds Beatrice dead (oh yeah also in this version she's his wife) and he's gotta save her from Hell.  As in the Inferno, the lower Dante travels, the worse and bloodier the punishments are, and the harder it is for him to defeat the monsters blocking his path.

Also, in the actual Inferno, Beatrice (although kind of indirectly) saves Dante.  Here, Dante has to save Beatrice by battling and stabbing monsters, or something approximating that.  So once again a woman becomes the helpless object that needs rescuing by a dude.

My question is, why couldn't the creators of this game have made Beatrice the one fighting off all the monsters?  Like, maybe Dante gets trapped in Hell and Beatrice has gotta go save him.  I wonder if anyone will ever create that game.

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