Saturday, December 7, 2019


Okay let's be real. Hamlet's a weird name, so I did some research! There's three different meanings. One being home which makes sense because nothing says home like son avenging his father action. But the other two meanings are fooling and dull. Do y'all think this resonates with Hamlet? The name originates from Armenia, Germany, the UK, and the US. Also, the names "qualities" are extroverted and adventurous. Once again, does this sound like the Hamlet we know? Lastly this website estimates that at least 22000 people in the world have this name making up 0.001% of the population. Lastly, 4 of the 8 notable people that were listed with this name are footballers.


Unknown said...

I think the fooling and dull resonates with Hamlet in a way. I would say fooling resonates more as throughout the play he's FOOLING people into think he's insane. Dull could also apply because people think he has gone mad and thus he is stupid/dull. Out of the name qualities I think extroverted fits as he seems like a social guy. He has friends from his school and he is also friends with the actors.

Unknown said...

I would say Hamlet is an extrovert in ways that supplement his adventurous behavior. He talks quite a bit, rambling about his next “plan” or “quest” that will lead to his revenge on Claudius. His mind is adventurous, as well as his actions, especially when he makes the bold move to add the scene to the play that reveals his knowledge of King Hamlet's death. On one hand, I do see your point on Hamlets parallel to the word home, but you could also look at that meaning in a complexly opposite way. Hamlet is very protective of his home, Denmark, and is furiously embarrassed by what it’s become when Claudius became king. You can see his precautionary attitude towards Denmark, and that he takes his HOME very seriously in the ways other countries view it.