Monday, August 31, 2015


As we have discussed in class the last two times, Melquíades and the things that he brings with him to present to Macando act as a crash course in what has gone on in the world from all the way back in ancient greece, It serves as a microcosm of time and technological development. While the transition took the rest of the world many centuries, Macando goes through it in just a few years. In a parallel way, Macando also sort of serves as a microcosm for all of Latin America. This reminded me of school and how we learn of all the people and developments throughout history in about ten years of life. This relates back to how Macondo is like a child, who has to go to school and learn before it can graduate and make its own history. I though it was interesting to think of Macando itself as its own life - especially since we were comparing Jose blabalabla (1) to God, or the creator.

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