Friday, January 17, 2020


As we brought up in class today, the idea of being in a box is terrifying. However, after we discussed it, I began to this analogy in a different way. The only way to think about death and what it is like, is to think about what it means to be alive. Most importantly, we value life based on what we look forward or enjoy the most. This leads me to my point concerning the box. 
Being alive trumps being dead! With that said, if one is dead, hope doesn’t exist! Hope is what drives and pushes us in life.With that being said, if we were trapped in the box alive, we can HOPE that we will eventually get out. But if we are dead, the box just merely is a space without hope.
In addition, the box also functions to show the life of actors themselves. Actors do not have any free will. They are subject to the director and the play. They cannot created lines for themselves, they must abide by what is one the script. 

What do y’all think??Also, I can’t wait to hear Cameron’s view regarding the song THE BOX!!!

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