Friday, January 24, 2020

My Poem

Hawaiian Punch and Hot Pockets

Hot Pockets how you fill me

With your pepperoni and cheese

You make my mouth water like the roaring sea

And I become overwhelmed with unease

Hawaiian Punch how you satisfy my thirst

With your sweet fruity punch taste

You save me from dehydration even at its worst

Leaving no part of my mouth to waste

Hot Pockets and Hawaiian Punch

Together you are unbeatable

You make the best dinners and lunch

Compared to those uneatable

Pockets of Hot and Punch of Hawaiian

You boys always keep me thriving

1 comment:

KING Tanner Duncan Sykes, The First said...

Wow, Cameron, really great poem. I've been looking for a poem that's just like this. You're a really great guy for this.

- King TDS I