Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Conference and our Readings

On Friday, some of us went to a conference about cancer research, and one of the important things they stressed was knowledge about family history. They talked about this in respect to family histories of cancer and genetics, but it reminded me of the many stories we have read that focus on family background and identity. Knowing information about how your genes impact your likeliness for certain cancers allows for extra precautions to be taken to avoid such cancers. In Oedipus, knowing his true lineage could've possibly changed his story. Also, I think it's pretty cool that with technology we can catch early stages of cancer and have the ability to change someone's "fate" or outcome by curing them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was at this conference as well, being a part of the AP Biology class, and I can attest to the fact that they largely stressed being informed on your family's not only medical history, but geographical history. This is because in lots of cancer research, there's been studies on how geography and location in the world- whether it's because of climate, environment, location, culture, etc- has a connection to relevancy in cancer. That piece of information I found particularly interesting because I think that it's pretty known that certain diseases and ailments can be caused by genetic connections, however it's quite unexpected that it also could be caused by general geography and environmental factors- even through lineage.
I really liked that you brought up this connection with this conference and our readings in this class about family history, because it's a relationship I personally would not have thought of.