Saturday, October 7, 2017

Doom and Gloom

The name 'Glauce,' Jason's new bride in Medea, was apparently a name given to various characters in Greek mythology. Of course one of them was King Creon's daughter and Jason's new wife, who was killed along with her father by Medea. We don't really know Glauce, but I feel pity for her in the sense that she was a pawn in Medea's revenge. Other Glauces in Greek mythology played minor  female roles (such as Nymphs and the offspring of a king or a god) who bore children for their husbands or were victim to kidnappings or some form of killing. 'Glauce' in Ancient Greek means "blue-gray," two colors that can be associated with doom and gloom. I feel like the name 'Glauce' was used as a pawn throughout Greek mythology. I'm sure several names were, but 'Glauce' was only ever used for arguably minor characters.
Oh well. Just a minor preoccupation I had.

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