Friday, October 18, 2019

The Golden Fleece?!?!?!

I'm not gonna lie, when we were talking about the Golden Fleece the only thing I could picture in my head was:
I can't be the only one... so I looked up and found some pretty cool pictures of what Jason was actually on the search for:

I also found a nice little definition- The fleece of the golden-woolled, winged ram, Chrysomallos, which was held in Colchis. The fleece is a symbol of authority and kingship.


Unknown said...

This gave me a good visual of what Jason was searching for. It makes perfect sense that the fleece represents authority and kingship. Jason obviously is power-hungry and only cares about taking the throne and obtaining wealth. It’s so important to him that he leaves Medea, the person who essentially is responsible for Jason securing the fleece, and his 2 sons. His obsession overpower is demonstrated through his obsession to find the fleece, which in his mind would give him authority over everyone else.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

For those Percy Jackson fans out there, I know and imagine the fleece from the Percy Jackson books and movies. Not only does the fleece represent kingship and authority, it also is known to have magical powers. Specifically, it is known to have magical healing powers. The fleece can heal almost anything. In Percy Jackson, he has to go through a series of challenges to get to it, just as Jason did in the stories. Instead of using it for power though, Percy used it to heal a magical tree to protect the camp. I just found it interesting how differently two people can think of the same item they read about.

msking said...