Saturday, January 12, 2019

Long Period English Was Really Just a Giant TED Talk

So, TED talks have been a reoccurring topic of conversation for me this week and I have been really invested in the feeling of enlightenment that results from one watching it. During long period yesterday, I casually said to Ben in the midst of our philosophical debates "This is seriously a giant TED Talk that is happening..."

Unfortunately, upon extensive research, I could not find a specific TED Talk that met my standards and relayed my specific feelings on the different topics in conversation we had during class such as social media, logic vs. reason, and the topic of immortality. However, I did find an article that sparked an interesting question I never thought of. That is: what is the emotion behind logic?

I truly believe it is impossible for someone to think logically with zero emotion behind the decisions they make or priorities they choose to stand by. I think every action is the result of a choice and everyone choice is the result of an emotion, even if that choice is to think logically on something due to the AWARENESS of an emotion. Emotion is really tied into a lot.

So here is a link:

The title is: "Emotion is not the Enemy of Reason" and I think that speaks volumes. Feel free to let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a really good point, Farah, and I'd like to add to the discussion you've proposed by commenting on the logical nature of Russian romanticism. In Dostoevsky's novella, the Underground Man comments on 'his' Romanticism as the superior version of Romanticism as opposed to specifically French and Western Romanticism. This is primarily because Russians are able to see everything clearly while keeping practicality a priority, according to the Underground Man. He also comments that Russians keep an eye on a goal and are rarely distracted by arbitrary concerns as those in France and in the West are. Therefore, the Russian Romantics are more versatile and able to communicate rationally and objectively in the literary scope of things, which according to the Underground Man, is the ideal way to look at the world, specifically as it stands in opposition to other sorts of Romantic thinkers.