Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Today in class we went off onto a tangent based upon the creepy spirit in Beloved. We were talking about if ghosts were real or not, and if so, what type of powers do they have and do they have to use them for evil? I personally believe there are ghosts, they can be good or bad, and that they have the power to change temperature and close doors and move objects. I am still not sure if they can directly do any physical harm to a living person, though. I feel like you would have to be alive; with that said, they can still torment people by fear and moving other objects that may cause harm. Here are some interesting article for those of you who are curious in the spirit world, like I was.


Jac said...

Update: ghosts are apparently different than Poltergeists. "Poltergheist activity can cause items to move, and fly around. However, it is exceptionally rare. This activity isn’t caused by the power that the spirit has, it is caused by the power that the spirit harnesses from those around it, particularly from fear. We allow it to have our fear and it can manifest movement in objects."

Unknown said...

Ghosts are such a mysterious concept. I had an encounter once and to this day I still don't know what to make of it. You know how people say that sometimes when you wake up in the middle of the night it's because someone is staring at you? Well, I was sleeping once and I woke up all of a sudden for no reason. I looked towards the door and there was a little girl standing in the doorway. My heart immediately dropped and I didn't know what else to do except hide under my covers. Eventually I looked back toward the door and the figure was gone. Of course I couldn't just go to sleep after that so I literally just squeezed my eyes shut until I eventually fell back asleep. It was one of the scariest experiences I've ever had. I have no idea what the purpose of this appearance was though. That's the most confusing thing. I feel like spirits have a purpose in their interactions and I have no clue what that reason could have been.

Abbey Sims said...

As much as I find listening to and reading stories about interactions people have had with supernatural entities interesting, I am also very frightened that this kind of stuff actually happens to real people. I, too, find ghosts such a mysterious concept. Ghosts are one of those topics I wish we knew more about. I have so many questions... Do ghosts age and grow with time? Do ghosts have a gender? Can ghosts exist only on land or are they able to survive under water or in space? Do ghosts need water and food to survive? Do they need sleep? Do ghosts have families and do they form relationships with new ghosts they might meet? THESE ARE THE QUESTIONS THAT NEED ANSWERING.

Unknown said...

I feel differently than you do. I do believe ghosts exists but I do not think they can physically interact with the living. I think that ghosts can have a presence on earth, but I do not agree that they can move things. There are many different scary movies about ghosts possessing people, I also don't agree with this. I believe that ghost just kind of share this world with us but can't interact with it, just like we can't interact with them. We can't see them or feel them, but I believe they are there.