Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Manet in New Orleans


Here is the painting of the Cotton Factory by Manet that Mrs. Quinet talked about in class today. I think it is interesting that Manet stayed in New Orleans and chose to depict this scene.


Katherine said...

I agree with you Julia. I think New Orleans is filled with so many interesting things that you would think something else would have been the focus of his art. I guess since New Orleans is a representative of the South Manet thought a cotton factory could depict an aspect of Southern life.

Chloe said...

I feel like our class may have gone on a field trip once to see this painting. I love Manet's color choices and his method of blurring lines.

Olivia Celata said...

I believe this painting, called a Cotton Office in New Orleans, is actually the work of Edgar Degas. Like Manet, Degas also lived in New Orleans for some time as well as Europe. Degas is often referred to as an impressionist painter, but his style somewhat differs from others. I have known of Edgar Degas for awhile, because I greatly admire his paintings of ballerinas.


C-Sted said...

Chloe, I think we might have talked about this painting in connection with the New Orleans Cotton Exchange at one point... I think it had to do with Sophomore Experience?

Also, I don't think that Manet ever came to New Orleans. I know that he traveled to Rio de Janeiro while trying to join the Navy, but I'm pretty sure he never actually visited North America. He was, however, friends with Degas, who, as we all know, lived for quite a while in New Orleans.

Blaine said...

Although seemingly Manet's work, Edgar Degas was the true craftsman of this brilliant masterpiece. Like Manet, Edgar Degas was a founder of impressionalism although he rejected the term and preffered for it to be called a realist. The Cotton Factory actually depicts the moment Degas's Uncle's brokerage buisiness went bankrupt during an economic crash. Becasue of this bankrupcy, his firm was transformed into a cotton factory.