Saturday, October 6, 2018


A big big topic some of the members of the class have gotten invested in is auras. Auras are defined as “a supposed emanation surrounding the body of a living creature, viewed by mystics, spiritualists, and some practitioners of complementary medicine as the essence of the individual, and allegedly discernible by people with special sensibilities.” It’s basically the vibe you give off when you first meet someone. I’m auras, qualities like compassion, loyalty, stubbornness, logic, and more are assessed. In case you were wondering, because I know you all are,  I have a yellow aura. You can take a quiz to find out what you are too. A similar phenomenon that many people follow in their daily lives are horoscopes. I know that in this particular AP English class, we have a few students who avidly live by their horoscope (*cough cough* Farah). However, horoscopes are different than auras in that they are set and permanent. Auras are opinionable, so you may not exactly have the aura you think you do. Horoscopes are based off of zodiac signs, which are based off your birthday: something you cannot change. Many people check their horoscopes on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis. It’s almost like a daily prediction of your future. Something one might compare these phenomenons to is prophecies. In Oedipus, prophecies are a huge component to the play. As we all know, a certain prophecy about Oedipus is the whole basis of the story: that he’ll kill his father and sleep with his mother. I think things like fortune telling, horoscopes, auras, and prophecies all are a part of a family that is very catered to the superstitious. It’s a very interesting field of ideas that I’m intrigued by. 


Unknown said...

I personally do not subscribe to auras, and even more so horoscopes. I don't believe that taking a quiz can tell me who I am and what my characteristics are. I can see how it could tell you some very general things by having you answer questions, but to have it describe your personality and characteristics without ever meeting someone seems ridiculous and the response the quiz gives you is arbitrary. Horoscopes, in my opinion, are even worse. I will not be described by the month I was born in.

As I wrote that last sentence I looked up my horoscope for today and it is exactly how I would describe myself. I still do not believe in horoscopes or auras but that was quite startling. It was probably just a coincidence. Spot on. What just happened, just re-read it, gosh dang.

Back to the argument, the whole aura and horoscope topic is almost like a subset of predestination and prophecy. In "Oedipus the King" the Greeks lived in a time where they believed very much in prophecy and divine intervention. Today, however, if a "prophet" was was to predict our lives I find it very hard to believe that more than a few people would believe it to be the word of god. Free will is far more comforting than predestination.

Farah Wells said...

I am sorry for you, Ritchie, as it is quite an eye-opening topic of study. Maybe one day you can learn that with your "free will" you can still believe that you are in charge of your life with which you can develop a simple quality of open-mindedness to realize horoscopes are just a minor insight to how the planets of the universe in which we live in affect us. :) NOT a path laid out for us.

I personally believe that Oedipus is a sensitive tan for his color aura due to his willingness to fight and think about plans logistically while also portraying his emotions and compassion openly. However, this does get him into trouble and we could define that characteristic as impulsiveness.. On the zodiac spectrum, I would say he is a Cancer/Leo cusp sun sign with an Aries moon. Feel free to look that up with some openmindedness, everyone ;)

Unknown said...

Anabella, I’m a yellow too! My secondary color is violet. I do believe that to some people, horoscopes and auras can act as a modern day oracle. Due to his stubbornness, I would say that Oedipus is an Aries but I’m not as in tune to these things as Farah. Although I don’t read into horoscopes very seriously, I do believe they’re lots of fun to look into every so often.
I’ll leave the quiz we took in case y’all want to take it too :)

Unknown said...

@Farah, I guess I just have a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that the planets give us insight into our very lives, the closest of which is Venus which is 25 MILLION miles away! Sorry, maybe one day I will understand!