Saturday, February 2, 2019

¿smarter than norton?

In the reading we have for Monday I noticed a slight factual error in the context of the Twentieth century.

In the 4th paragraph of the background on page 765 (7 lines from the bottom) the claim is made that unified field theory was an important discovery made in the twentieth century. Well, thanks to Mrs. Klebba and my independent study book "Einstein" by Walter Isaacson I know that many attempts by Einstein and others were made to create a unified field theory but no one was ever successful in the unification.

The unified field theory is a theory of formulation that combines the fundamental forces of our universe and connects them through a singular framework. The two fundamental forces of our universe are gravitation and electromagnetism. Many attempts have been made but never successfully uniting the two.

Maybe in edition 3, they can get it right.

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