Saturday, February 2, 2019


Today I had an indoor track meet, the state qualifiers. It went meh, but thats not the point. After I ran I got a very sad call from my mom saying my grandma's cockateil had dropped dead. If there's one thing to know about my grandmother its that she loves her birds. Anyway, yes I know, it's very sad. We've had a lot of very unfortunate losses this past couple of weeks, from the NFC Championship, to Anthony Davis, to Dr. Ramos, Sylvester the cockateil, and whatever other losses you yourself might have suffered from recently. I wanted to take a moment and use this platform, the infamous stmhumanities blog, to express a very important message to all of you. Don't dwell on the negative. I think we as a society sit and wade over all the negative and pessimistic moments in life when we should really be looking at the silver lining of things and be hopeful and positive about what life has to bring later on. I know we all have our personal struggles, and the way we express them and grieve them is all different. But my main point is that no matter how you grieve a loss or  handle a hardship, nothing GOOD will come out of negativity and a loss of hope or faith or whatever you want to believe will get you through it...because you will. Whenever I get down about something rough, I always know to think of the next good thing coming in my life. That's why I kind of seem like a crazy person with my agenda and the way I plan things out months in advance because it always helps to be able to look forward to something that will ultimately make me so so so happy. Don't get it? Let me explain further. Lets say, oh idk, you fail a calculus test (this is purely hypothetical we all knowww this could neeeverrr happen) and you're like well gosh-tootin-darn it i will NEVER be able to bounce back from this- colleges will reject me, my parents will disown me, i'll never live at peace AGAIN!!!! calm down for a sec, sweetie. all you need to do is just think a little in the future, look a little ahead past right now, do what you need to do, pull out a telescope if you can't see that far ahead i dont care. Just stop and think about what you might be doing a couple months from now. Graduating maybe? Going on a trip maybe? Eating a nice big bowl of ice cream maybe? I dont CARE what it is, as long as it makes you happy just think of it. i know for a fact it will one day come to you and whatever you're stressing or grieving over now will be long in your review mirror. 
I know this all seems random, or just maybe really dramatic over the death of a pet bird.. but so much has been going on and so many things have been happening in our homes, communities, city, the world and I think we all need to take a step back and just think about the good things in life. Like someone you love or something that makes you literally so excited or joyful you feel like you're gonna explode. Just take a sec to be happy.

Sorry if this wasn't necessarily the same vein of topic we usually discuss but I think no matter what we're all going through everyone here needed to here some portion of this. Just know I love you all and great things are to come.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

This might shed some light. See p. 24