Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Blind Seer

Both of these pictures reference the two different types of sight, physical and intellectual, that we've talked about with the "blind seer" motif in class. I posted the first picture on the blog around a week ago, and found the second one during this week. I find it very interesting that I have not been actively looking for pictures like this, yet they keep popping up on social media sites. The idea of two different sights has existed since the time of the Greeks and is still prominent today. Do y'all think there's any particular reason that this is still an important concept in society today?


Ross said...

I think that we, as humans, always hold sight in high regard because it is our link to the real world. The only way we can truly understand what is going on around us is by seeing and experiencing it. This is why things are often hidden from us, because they may be SEEN as morally wrong. Governments do this all the time, they hide what the public might deem morally wrong so that they are not put under a bad light. Even the phrase "in a bad light" connotes the sense of sight because without light we cannot see. Sight is also one of our five basic senses, things which were used in the past, even by our earliest ancestors! Because sight has played such an important role in our development and history, it is only natural that it appears in our literature as a major theme.

Unknown said...

I agree completely with what Ross says. I think that we rely so heavily on sight because sight is something that we think allows up to see everything when in fact this is wrong. There is so much beyond sight that we can see intellectually that are eyes are limited to. I think it's ironic that a lot of times our eyes end up blinding us. I think that light often can allow us to see but we are so accustomed to it that we think that everything will be right before our eyes with light. On the other hand, darkness causes us to use other senses more and not just depend on our eyes. What is supposed to limit us can instead allow us to see beyond our limits.