Saturday, April 6, 2019

Paul D vs Pauly D

This one was inevitable. There’s clearly a relationship between Paul D and Pauly D from Jersey Shore. First relation is obviously their names. I honestly can’t read the book without mentally hearing  “ Pauly D” instead of the characters legitamate name. It keeps me entertained (not that I need to be entertained with this book- clearly there’s a lot going on). Another relation between the two is that I’d say they’re both players. Paul D was pining for Sethe along with multiple other men, just like Pauly D was tryna get with Snooki on the lowkey. Speaking of Pauly D, him and the character from jersey shore “Mike” (I believe) are creating a new reality show... you should check it out.

1 comment:

Farah Wells said...

This blog post has for sure affected my view on Paul D in Beloved now, and I also cannot stop hearing Pauly D when I read now. I would like to point out that now we have read a little further to see Paul D sleep with Beloved behind Sethe's back, that has remained true to the correlation that Paul D is a player just like Pauly D with Snookie in Jersey Shore.