Saturday, April 6, 2019

¿1 + 2 + 4 = 7?

In Toni Morrison’s “Beloved,” Sethe and her daughter live in house 124. 1 + 2 + 4 adds up to 7. There are 7 continents on the this earth. South America is a continent. South America has many countries. One of those countries is Venezuela. Venezuela is in a serious economic crisis right now. There current socialist President, Maduro, is being challenged heavily by the Venezuelan politician and leader, Juan Guaido.


Unknown said...

*Their* You're welcome for catching your grammar. I love when you make these connections between the novel we are reading and then current events. Wow! Venezuela is currently experiencing sky-rocketing inflation causing their money to be almost worthless. Their economy is crashing, and all transactions in the market are basically on a barter system. The wealthy elite has managed to stay un-touched by the crash because of illegal markets like drugs and prostitution. This prostitution is sex-trafficking where young girls are taken captive against their will and sold on the black market to various gangs. This form is slavery is absolutely terrible, and it goes on all over the world. Reading Beloved and hearing about the slavery actually reminded me of this. I really hope Juan Guaido can come into power and help restore this nation back to prosperity and safety.

Anonymous said...

Ritchie, yet another amazing blog post with an extremely (emphasis on extremely) weak connection to what we are reading. But Venezuela is an interesting case, so I chose to comment on in anyway. Like Ben said, the currency in Venezuela, bolívars, are practically worth nothing at this point due to extreme inflation. A single Big Mac in Venezuela will set you back 145,000 bolívars. That is absolutely insane. Many charities have gone to Venezuela to help, but nothing has made an extremely significant change. These people are starving because no food is financially attainable. These people need urgent reform if they plan to continue to live in Venezuela.

Unknown said...

I’ve never been more confused in my life. However; this blog post did lead to some serious pondering. From the way I see it, they live on 124 drive, right? Welllll Sethe had four children. The longest one stayed with him is 18 years. 18x4=72. Two people live in their home. 72x2= 144. The daughter in the homes name is Denver. The average temperature in Denver of 2019 so far is about 20°. 144-20= 124

Yeah, your mind is blown.

Unknown said...

Stayed with her* (obviously)