Tuesday, March 12, 2013

On the Non Confrontational Nature of the Igbo

Today, we established that the Igbo people are non-confrontational when we discussed how the man killed a python, the most revered animal in Igbo culture, in his house and how when a man sins in such confinements, the affair is between him and god and that anyone who gets in between might sustain blows intended for the offender. Therefore we established this non confrontational aspect of judging sin as another attribute we allocate to the Igbo people. I find it kind of interesting, however, that it's more of the opposite in christianity, at least in practice. I can remember a few times in history such as the Spanish Inquisition and the Protestant and Counter Reformations, where individuals were persecuted, sought out, and defamed by the church. The spanish inquisition in particular strikes me as a good example, seeing that people seemed to go out of their way to root out the "nonbelievers", who by their status and otherwise-like customs, were considered sinners against god. The other factor to all of this might be that the church also a political agenda and held great influence across Europe. As the church, they also manage the ideals of christianity and interpret the will of god subjectively through the pope. The concept of a sin may have been subjective as well, and could have been adapted as a rational to rid the church of any who might stand to impede their political agenda.

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