Saturday, December 8, 2018

Hamlet and The Haunting of Hill House

One of the motifs we have discussed in Hamlet is traps, and especially, backfiring traps, as well as acting and false appearances. I recently finished the last episode of a chilling series on Netflix called The Haunting of Hill House. (Minor spoilers!) The house itself is almost alive; it shifts itself and creates mentally impactful visions to pull the family in and swallow them up one by one. For instance, it tried several times to lure characters into the Red Room by taunting them with a seemingly perfect reality. These attempts were all traps and false appearances; many deaths were caused by falling into these traps. The characters too try to trick the house, but these plans always backfire and end up leading them into danger. The house's tricks follow the characters, even if they are far away; the ghosts seem to be keeping an eye on them, just like Hamlet's mother and uncle, wherever they go. This show wasn't truly about the horror, though; it was about family and emotions. Hamlet, in a similar way, isn't only about vengeance or evading traps; there is a focus on the emotion aspects to each decision, mental struggles, and character relationships.

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