Saturday, August 25, 2018

Flooding Coincidence

        I am not sure if this constitutes as a blog post but the instructions seemed rather free-spirited and  open to creativity. A few weeks ago, I was listening to the audiobook version of One Hundred Years while running on a cool (by Louisiana’s standards) summer evening in some quiet woods miles away from any cars or other people. I was truly in absolute solitude like the early days of Macondo when I began to feel a faint drop of rain then suddenly a downpour erupted. While trudging through the storm, I was coincidentally listening to the part of the book when the endless rain began and eventually destroyed Macondo. Although I do not identify much with Aureliano Segundo or any of the other characters affected by the rain at all, the combination of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s vivid description of the storm and me actually running through a storm made me feel an intimate connection with the characters and the moment in the story.

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