Saturday, April 12, 2014

Hold onto your hats

I don't know if this is common knowledge already, but it's news to me. The Giver has been made into a movie and it's coming out this year. As if that isn't exciting enough. Meryl Streep is in it. Watch the trailer. It looks intense. It made me want to reread the novel, so I am.
This news got me thinking about this recurring appearance of dystopias in literature and film recently. I don't know if it's just me, but they seem to be everywhere right now, especially in young adult novels. Divergent, The Hunger Games, Among the Hidden, Never Let Me Go, The Maze Runner- just to name of few. And then there's the classics- 1984, The Handmaid's Tale, Brave New World. I'm not complaining. I always love them.


Amy Clement said...

I can't tell you how excited this post made me. The Giver was one of my favorite books from middle school. I cannot wait to see it. However, I have a feeling I will be slightly disappointed, since the movie is never as good as the book. But it will give me an excuse to read the book again so either way it's a positive.

Miranda Martinez said...

OH MY GOD. I knew the movie was coming out but I didn't know the trailer had been released! The Giver and the rest of the related books to the series are my absolute favorites. I can't wait to see it!

Miranda Martinez said...

This actually reminds me a lot of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave." Everyone in this society is basically shown a false perception of real life, and it is the Giver who gives them their enlightenment.

Unknown said...

The Giver was an amazing novel. I read it in freshman year I believe. I'm not positive, though. I remember it being about an old man who has a protege named Jonas. Jonas takes the man's memories, which are actually all the memories and feelings of the past. These memories are stored in the old man alone because the rest of society feels nothing and has no knowledge of the past. Then I recall that Jonas eventually leaves the society. I loved that book. I'm definitely into dystopian novels. I find that I can't put down the books that Brooke mentioned like Divergent and The Hunger Games; they're too good to resist!

Unknown said...

I've never read The Giver! I've always wanted to though. Maybe I will over break! I'm still very excited for the movie, partially because Meryl Streep is in it. I absolutely love her.

Kincy GIbson said...

I really enjoy reading about dystopias because there is always a mysterious science fiction aspect to it. I read The Handmaid's Tale and it was very disturbing. I think that setting a story in a dystopia is very interesting because it is eerily realistic.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

That looks really good! I've never actually read The Giver, but now I kind of want to read it. I couldn't really tell to much about it from the trailer, but I generally like conspiracy/dystopia stories like this, like that one movie where the guy ended up having a knife fight with his estranged, hobo father under an overpass (can't remember the name, unfortunately).