Saturday, September 29, 2018

The 5 Senses: Muted

As we see in Plato’s allegory of the Cave, we as humans perceive reality with our 5 senses. This statement can be analyzed in many different ways, and can lead to many different trains of thought. One distinct one that always comes to mind when I think of the 5 senses is what it would be like to not have all 5. Take blindness for example. MAKEUP ARTIST Mollye Burke was diagnosed blind when she was 12 years old, being “legally blind” her whole life. Qualities of being “legally blind” are things like tunnel vision and no perception of depth or detail. She explains vividly that she could never see things, well, vividly. She is currently a YouTuber and MAKEUP ARTIST (yes you heard/read me) in her late twenties. Mollye explains in many of her videos what it’s like to be blind, and offers many insights about the senses and the world around us that sighted people, or “sighties” as she calls us, fail to realize in everyday life. Things like the idea of color, or distance in vision, or simple things like having to SEE to EAT. Watching her life story as she’s unfolds it for her viewers is inspiring, entertaining (like she’s got a sense of humor), intellectual, and really just gets you thinking about the world around you and how you perceive it. I HIGHLY recommend watching a couple of her videos to really get your mind thinking about how different each and every person perceived the world around them. (She has a whole playlist about her sight.)

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