Saturday, February 20, 2016

Dinner for 4

In my interview the other day (the same one I mentioned on another post) I was asked, "If you could have dinner with three historical figures, who would you choose and why?" I was completely stumped as I had never really considered this before. I spit out the first three people that came to my mind--Friedrich Nietzsche, Charles Darwin, T.S. Eliot--without giving it much thought. I had about two seconds to come up with reasons for "why these three," but to my surprise, it wasn't very challenging. All of these people are exceptional thinkers who ushered in change in the 19th and 20th centuries. Nietzsche's philosophy, Darwin's science, and Eliot's literature would make for some very interesting conversation at the dinner table.

If you cold pick three historical figures to have dinner with, who would they be and why?


Unknown said...

Interesting question. I think if I was able to sit down with three historical figures it would be JFK, Ronald Reagan, and FDR. Because this year is an election year, I've recently taken an interest in presidents and politics. I know it's not related to what we have been discussing but it is something that I am currently interested in.

Unknown said...

I think i would eat with Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, and Hitler. I understand this is a very strange group of people, but I would love to know what was going on in each of these men's minds. I want to know the true inspiration behind Shakespeare's poetry. Not only his poetry, but Shakespeare created so many words/ phrases we use everyday now. I want to know how he just came up with these words that would be difficult to live without now. The second person is Einstein, for the same reason. You must be crazy to come up with all of these theories in math and science. Crazy people are always a good time and always fun to talk to. The last person is HItler. I know this is a bit of a shocking answer but I want to know his side of the story without history's spin on things. That would be one weird dinner.

Jac said...

If I were to have dinner with three historical figures, I would choose Sigmund Freud, Jesus Christ and Hitler. Sigmund would inspire me mentally as to how people think and why they do what they do. Jesus would obviously inspire me to be less selfish and act in a more God like manner. I would question Hitler as to why he exterminated all the Jews and intellectuals based on his traumatic upbringing. The dramatic contrast between all these influential figures would change the way I perceived humanity as a whole. The effect of that conversation could be seriously influential on the world, would I use it to change the way people think.

Jac said...

@ash we think alike ;)

Cheyenne Dwyer said...

I have heard the question many times before but I have also not really thought about it before. But I think that I would also choose Nietzche. He has such a unique and original outtake on the world and I feel like he would be full of intriguing and thought-provoking conversation. I admire that instead of being swayed by the society around him, he instead scrutinizes and criticizes it. He looks deeper into the societal norms instead of just accepting things as they are. I really enjoy his outlook of free will and individuality. Especially his famous "God is dead." I believe that Ms. Quinet also shares my enthusiasm for Nietzche.

Jack Zheng said...

I would be interestd in talking to some famous nihilists, just to see whether they lived every day thinking that life really has no meaning. Do they try their best to make the most out of their lives, or do they fall into a state of constant depression wishing for the sweet relief of death?

Unknown said...

I think I would want to eat with Kafka to see what was going through his head during the Metamorphosis. I would want to see if it had anything to do with his personal life and feelings. I would also like to have dinner with Milton and Dante to further understand their depictions of hell and heaven. I feel like these conversations could go on for hours and would be super interesting and insightful for me.