Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Blurred Lines... What is Reality?

Today in class we discussed how Gabriel Garcia Marquez blurred the line between reality and fiction. in One Hundred Years of Solitude. We all admitted to not knowing whether the Banana Company riot was true or completely fictional. Considering this, I began to wonder what else throughout the story was real or not. As we study, I'm interested in discovering more about Latin American history and decoding the authenticity of events in the novel. When Marquez died in April 2014, his works and legacy were remembered and honored throughout the world. The Washington Post published an article about Marquez and his legacy. They refer to an article written by writer Paul West in 1970. An excerpt from the article reads "Above all, Garcia Marquez (via his translator) feeds the mind's eye non-stop, so much so that you soon begin to feel that never has what we superfically call the surface of life had so many corrugations and configurations, so much bewilderingly impacted detail, or men so grandiose movements and tics, bizarre stances and airs". The detail and stories that Garcia packs into One Hundred Years of Solitude blurs the line between reality and fiction. This quote really epitomizes that blend and sums up the essence of the novel. Thoughts?

Here's the full article:

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