Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Miss Julie

In March, I'll be in a school play called Miss Julie. I recently had the chance to read through some of the script and it reminded me immediately of Madame Bovary and even What is to be Done? The main character (Miss Julie) is upper-class. However, like Madame Bovary, she is not happy with her life. She rebels against her family and husband (or in Miss Julie's case, fiance) and throws away all discretion, getting her into a lot of trouble. Let's just say their end results are very similar....


Shaina Lu said...

Although I haven't read the play, I have read a synopsis and talked a lot about it with Emily. I get the impression that it is a play written in the style of realism which is another similarity with Flaubert.

Mallory said...

I have not read the play either, but I am looking forward to seein you in it mere! Those 2 stories do sound very similar. I am excited to see Emily direct a play and I want to see it so I can observe the othe similarities.