Monday, August 30, 2010

Fizz Powder

Hello class and teachers, this is my post about fizz powder:

I think that this was one of the more excruciating readings of the book. Gunter Grass, fortuantly or unfortunatly (depending on the reader), paints a picture of the fizz power occasion in tremendous detail. I find the "fizz power" incident interesting becuase it helps support the unreliability of the author. When Oskar asks Anna if she recalls their fizz powder encounter she denies and recollection of these events. Maria may be lying out of denial but regardless I find this event bewilderingly interesting.


chrissy said...

I agree, Blaine; the fizz powder incident was a very strange scene. I view it as Oskar's first exposure to sex and sexuality. Playing with the fizz powder on the beach and in the bed with Maria excited Oskar. It was a very sensual experience for Oskar that led him to desire Maria sexually. It was a catalyst for his awkward sexual experience.

Chloe said...

I think the "fizz powder" marks a primal step in Oskar's maturity. Like Chrissy said, it was one of his first sexual experiences. Although the fizz powder seemed somewhat "supernatural" (it reminds me of our conversation about "epics" today in class), I think it was just a rite of passage that throttled him into maturity.

Katherine said...

I think that the fizzy powder is almost like a sexual awakening for Oskar. This experience allows Oskar to mature and grow, causing him to be more involved with adult relationships. Although Oskar still acts childish, like everyone has said, it is an obvious growth in maturity.

Samantha said...

I also agree with all of you that this fizz powder scene was very graphic and marked a point of sexual maturity for Oskar. However, since Maria completely denies any remembrance of and association with the fizz powder, even though Oskar claims they used it countless times, do you think it is possible that this is a fantasy that Oskar contrives and another source of his unreliability or that Maria is simply embarrassed?